Daca aveti drum prin Targoviste, va invit la expozitia mea de la Muzeul de Arta. Expozitia este deschisa de marti pana duminica intre orele 10-18.
"Eroi Moderni" - Expozitie personala de pictura & arta teoretica deschisa la Muzeul de Arta Targoviste.
Daca aveti drum prin Targoviste, va invit la expozitia mea de la Muzeul de Arta. Expozitia este deschisa de marti pana duminica intre orele 10-18.
Klaus Vine
„…am primit multiple invitatii de a merge in Piata si le-am promis ca voi merge, dar nu voi anunta nici ora, nici macar ziua in care voi merge in Piata, fiindca nu vreau sa fac din asta un eveniment media, ci vreau sa merg sa vorbesc si eu cu oameni simpli care sunt in Piata... „
Klaus Iohannis, presedintele Romaniei
Zidane's revenge
The text for this theoretical art object can be read here (for Romanian readers), and here (page 78, for English readers )
Acrylic on canvas 120/100 cm
The text for this theoretical art object can be read here (for Romanian readers), and here (page 78, for English readers )
I don’t want this painting to be perceived as an attack to Zinedine Zidane’s legacy in the history of football. On the contrary, I respect him a lot and and love him, as I showed later here .
I understand that, as a sportman, sometimes somebody does not so good things on the pitch, especially if provoked. I used upper Zizou’s iconic gesture because it is one of the best known ever in contemporary culture to show that sometimes people do mistake when provoked, even if I don't support that kind of revenge mentality.
Eu cu Marin Gherasim
Marin Gherasim a purtat recent un fel de talkshow cu Adrian Guta la MNAC. Il consider intre primii 3 pictori post50isti alaturi de Horia Bernea si Ion Tuculescu
Taka-Haka versus Tiki-Taka
The rugby world cup just began. Would this event capture the world’s attention against football competitions?
American D̶r̶e̶a̶m̶- Sniper
Another way of saying that the American Dream turned into an American Nightmare
My text for this image is this: http://baldovinconcept.blogspot.ro/2010/02/terrorism-as-pillar-of-state.html
Celui-ci n’est pas Harry Potter
acrylic 120/100 cm
The text for this image is this:
"at the macrosocial level, in the culture history, there has happened the same phenomenon of entropy that occurs at the microsocial level with a specific cultural current. This phenomenon reflects the mode item dynamics. After being launched as avant-garde, any current then gets popular, and then it ends up out of mode. In this stage, the present public is no more inspired by it, and goes next to another cultural form that will also have the same destiny. The values, the techniques and the technology of traditional art have been assimilated by a nonelite public, and thus, its essential function for civilization has been lost, as dealing with mediocre spiritual products. So, the art has moved its center of gravity to the conceptual item, after the journalistic and the mode items have became popular and turned into the mass culture".
from this theory : http://www.amazon.com/The-Basics-Theoretical-Art-conceptualism/dp/3846540420
So who's the king now, Roy?
My childhood hero, now under the theoretical art. Acrylic on canvas 100/120 cm:
The text for this image comes from my book "The basics of theoretical art" as quoted here:
"As form the ancient ideology there have emerged the science like physics, psychology, anatomy, botany, etc. in the same way these two elements, journalistic and mode, came to be separated from the old traditional art body. Journalistic item industrially developed into press and the mode item came to be industrially made by designers. The fact that explosion of media (initially as newspapers) since the mid-nineteenth century emerged once with the appearance of impressionism (which is the first current of modern art) is not just a coincidence. The two phenomena are very intimately related. Then there was when a major separation that took place in the history of art. On the one hand the journalistic item became press and consumerist art as a press extension and on the other hand the mode item became modern art in first phase and then it became design after the commercial interest stepped into the modern avantgarde that reached the second and even third level of art entropy previously mentioned. Thus the design met in a kind of circle with consumerist art to which the other direction derived in through the utilitarian function that was applied to.
In this way, at the macrosocial level, there has occurred in the cultural history the same phenomenon of entropy that occurs at microsocial level with a cultural current that reflects the dynamic of mode item. After launching as the avantgarde any current then gets popular and then it gets out of mode, do not inspire the present public anymore that go next to another culture form that will have also the same destiny. The values, the techniques and the technology of traditional art have been assimilated by a nonelite public and thus its essential function for civilization has been lost for filling with mediocre products in terms of spiritual. The conceptual item was that to which the art has moved the center of gravity after the journalistic and mode item became popular and turned into mass culture. "
Propunerea mea pentru zidul din Piata Sf. Gheorghe
Am fost si voi ramane un partizan al libertatii de expresie, cu conditia ca expresia sa nu atace virulent alte manifestari spirituale si alte culturi. Am ingrosat virulent pentru ca orice libertate de expresie ataca ceva, altfel n-am mai invoca aceasta libertate. Am avut dubiile mele fata de chestiunea Charlie Hebdo , dar asta mai mult datorita propagandei politice ce inca se poate exploata pe baza acestui eveniment:
In cazul de fata avem de aface cu o adevarata barbarie. Invocarea atacului artistilor asupra mentalitatii religioase nu are baza solida, deoarece este unul voalat, normal pentru o atitudine artistica. Pur si simplu anumite mentalitati cu alura medievala nu pot suporta o alta viziune asupra ceva. Ei au in minte incolonarea totalitarista in spiritul careia au fost educati. De la statutul de victima pe timpul totalitarismului comunist, iata ca biserica s-a identificat cu propriul calau, devenind calau in totalitarismul corporatist. O astfel de mentalitate mai are putin si e in stare sa te apostrofeze pentru ca nu iti face cruce in fata apropierii vreunei biserici.
Aici e propria mea viziune despre zidul din Piata Sf. Gheorghe:
D̶r̶o̶b̶ba, Isus si dragostea
Absurdul sarbatorilor pascale consta in comercializarea lor. Asa cum Craciunul incepe deja de pe 1 decembrie, si Pastele incep inainte. Biblic vorbind, asta e un fel de pacat; adica Isus trece prin momente de umilinta maxima, e batjocorit de soldati sau agonizeaza pe cruce, si crestinii voiosi fac mancaruri pofticioase sau, direct, dau drumul la muzica de petrecere. Nu s-a auzit peste tot muzica, dar bietele bucatarese au cam poftit la bunataturi. N-aveau cum altfel, instinctul nu ramane blocat la inhibitie ci reactioneaza compensatoriu. Slujba de inviere e motiv de etalare a ultimei mode si de socializare outline, trecuta imediat online. „Mymy si Tzutzy se simt super la agonia lui Isus!” Ce facem? Il cinstim pe Isus, empatizam cu suferinta lui, sau ne bucuram de un week-end prelungit? Pai atunci hai sa nu mai zicem „Hristos a inviat! - Adevarat a inviat” ci : „Ba ce m-am drobat!- Adevarat m-am drobat!”
Stiu ca jena mea nu-l ajuta prea mult pe miel. Dar promit sa redevin vegetarian, sau macar sa nu mananc carne de animal care are emotii :(
Ronaldo on the moon
It's time for some old school, but linked with theoretical art experiment. I decided to paint the theoretical text connected to a traditional art image.
The text written on this image is this:
"The most popular sports combine these common people (as contemporary slave) basic desires, which descend from the classical slave. In football, the shot from a big distance is a delight of spectators. Such a score from a great distance get the fans in the air. Such a goal is selected for the generics, as a football beauty top. It is more than an ordinary score because the ball shot from distance is like a projectile that the opponent does not have. Moreover, this perception is mixed with a phantasmal erotism; the ball trajectory entering the net reiterates the intercourse: the trajectory represents the penis and the net represents the vagina. The farther from the target is the shot the bigger is the penis, in this phantasmal perception of the intercourse. Beating the rival in the fight, and conquering the females is an ancestral psychological predisposition that get inside the symbol of the goal scored from distance in football or basketball. This target is also found in the essay scored in rugby or American football by the player that surpasses many opponents. Although there are certain variations, most sports require a kind of well defended “hot spot” that the opponent player must attain. The fan’s joy delirium, as its favorite team scores, is the anaclitical joy of satisfying these phantasmal impulses. Without fans, there would not be any sports masters, legends and celebrities. They are well paid to satisfy this classical slave's need to escape the humiliating reality and jump into the phantasmal joy of conquering certain fortresses."
The full text can be found here: http://baldovinconcept.blogspot.ro/2012/08/aggressive-games-symptom-of.html
It's nice to be a president. You can take a vacation whenever you want. Unless someone wants to send you in vacation for good...
DNA : Dormi Natiune Adanc!
Cred totusi ca sintem fraieriti. Detalii aici: http://baldovin.blogspot.ro/2015/02/capul-lui-motoc-vrem.html
Microsoft Windows 2015
Mai multi politicieni si oameni de afaceri vor lansa o edtitie speciala a Windows in urma dosarului Microsoft
I don’t want to be Charlied
On the recent Paris terrorist attacks, some people said they are Charlie. Other said they are not Charlie. I simply don’t want to be Charlied
Text pentru aceaste imagini poate fi gasit aici: http://baldovin.blogspot.ro/2015/01/atentat-terorist-in-franta.html
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