World of spies


I started this song’s refrain in 2016 and finished it entirely this month.

For more info about Pearl Harbor social engineering truth check here:
For the truth about 9/11 check David Ray Griffin book „The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11”, after which this documentary was made


1-st verse

In December 7-th 1941,
Right after the dawn,
George spotted planes coming to Hawaii
At the Opana radar site.

He picked up the phone and called a spy,
Lieutenant Kermit Tyler,
Who answered back to him a big fat lie:
That those planes were American.

It happened with a Japanese submarine,
Then the auto-sabotage on the Arizona ship.
And then was Clarck Field, in the Philippines.
And then the biggest war world ever seen.

2-nd verse

In September 11-th 2001,
Just right after 9,
The building 7 also collapsed down
Although untouched by none.

No other plane was allowed to fly
To extinguish that damn fire.
They simply left those people die
And another war to start.

Because the wars make richmen smile,
As terror makes victims work harder.
Their spies instill it to make you buy.
They just don't care if people die.

Reff I don't wanna live in the world of Spies
I don't wanna tell genocidal lies
I don't wanna live if I have to lie
I don't wanna kill, 'cause that means to die.

I don't wanna live in the world of Spies
I don't wanna work for industry of wars
I don't wanna live if I have to lie
I don't wanna kill, I don't wanna die.

I don't wanna live in the world of Spies
I don't wanna tell guvermental lies
I don't wanna live if I have to lie
I don't wanna kill, I don't wanna die.

I don't wanna live in the world of Spies
I don't wanna stay in the homeless town
I don't wanna work for industry of wars
I don't wanna tell genocidal lies.

If you want more details about the Pearl Harbor auto-sabotage go to my online book “The automatistic society manifesto” (not translated yet in English but Google translate will do the job). For more details about September 11 2001 go check David Ray Griffin’s book “The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration” or the documentary made after it .