The sadism in the international politics


Romanian (For English scroll down!)

Dupa 10 ani de studiu iata primul documentar dintr-o serie de mai multe la care lucrez in prezent despre societatea noastra globala. Acest prim episod arata partea intunecata a civilizatiei noastre in general si a epocii capitaliste in special, asa cum nu s-a spus niciodata. El este de departe cel mai deranjant documentar pe care majoritatea oamenilor l-au vazut vreodata. Mai mult decat o drama reala, el este o realitate mai tulburatoare decat filmele de groaza.

YouYube a dat jos acest documentar, dar am gasit alte platforme pentru a-l face public. Le voi publica pe toate, astfel incat sa poata fi accesat de la o alta sursa in cazul in care va fi sters de la una anume (atentie: unele reclame ale platformei sunt pornografice! Reincarcati sursa!). Iata in continuare subtitrarile in engleza si romana pentru acest documentar, asa ca il puteti traduce intr-o alta limba decat acestea 2 puteti gasi o modalitate de a-l descarca si distribui apoi si vorbitorilor de alte limbi

English: After 10 years of research here I am with the first documentary out of several ones that I am currently working on about our global society. It shows the dark side of our civilization in general and the capitalist era in particular, as never told before. This is by far the most disturbing documentary that most people ever seen. More than a reality drama, this is reality horror.

YouYube took down this documentary but I found another places for making it public. I will show them all so people can go to another source in case it gets deleted from a specific one. Here are the English and Romanian subtitles for this documentary so if you speak another language than these 2 you can find a way to download it and see it from your computer with a translation edited out of these 2 files.

Prima sursa nu are subtitrare in romana (a treia are):

O alta platforma de incarcare este cea de jos, de asemenea fara subtitrare. Urmatoarea varianta cu subtitrare:

Aici poate fi vazut cu subtitrare directa in limba romana (atentie: unele reclame ale platformei sunt pornografice! Reincarcati sursa!) Here with direct Romanian subtitle: (Warning: Certain ads on this platform are pornographic! Reload source or see the other 2 sources!!):

For now Vimeo looks like accepting it:

Eventually YouTube put it back after one month. I hope it stays there